Charter Members of the Alliance Against Workplace Violence
Patricia D. Biles, president of Biles And Associates, LLC, is the former National Workplace Violence Prevention Coordinator for the Federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). Throughout this 10-year position at OSHA, Biles developed guidelines and policy memoranda, while conducting more than 70 trainings and presentations throughout the United States. She served as the key person in the National Office in Washington, D.C. . . . read more!
John D. Byrnes, D. Hum is founder and CEO of the Center for Aggression Management® and a successful businessman, author and lecturer. He developed interest in the subject of aggression management after concluding that there were no comprehensive training programs dedicated to preventing aggression in the workplace. His research revealed that conventional approaches to deal with conflict and violence were not working, hence the founding of the center in 1993 . . . read more!
Nancy Carothers is a former journalist and the co-director of the National Convenience Store Safety Committee. Since her father’s murder in a convenience store in 1977, she has worked with crime victims, activists, unions, criminologists, government agencies, and law enforcement professionals nationwide to promote measures to prevent violent crimes in late-night retail establishments . . . read more!
Eric Frazer, Psy.D. is a licensed clinical psychologist with a specialization in Forensic Psychology. Assessment and psychological testing for private consultation as well as court-related matters play a significant role in his practice . . . read more!
Johnny Lee is the executive director of Peace@Work, a non-profit dedicated to the prevention of violence and crisis response in the workplace. He also served as the training director for PREVENT, a CDC-funded violence prevention program under the direction of UNC Chapel Hill’s Injury Prevention Research Center. Lee was previously the workplace violence specialist for the Office of State Personnel in Raleigh, N.C., with responsibilities including consulting all 16 campuses of the University of North Carolina system and the Department of Community Colleges on the development and revision of its workplace violence programs . . . read more!
Barry Nixon is the founder and executive director of the National Institute for Prevention of Workplace Violence, Inc., a company focused on assisting organizations to effectively implement programs to prevent workplace violence. With more than 20 years in human resources and organization development in Fortune 500 companies, Nixon is well-versed on the issues companies face and develops practical solutions based on his real-life experiences . . . read more!
Edward Stern has served the US Department of Labor for 40 years as a senior economist and policy/program analyst. He joined OSHA in 1985 to examine health and safety risks and regulatory feasibility. He supervised research and modeling of the impacts of proposed regulations; initiated and coordinated the development of expert systems to reduce regulatory burden on small business . . . read more!